Novel Writing – 16 Oct 2019

Writing Retreat Bali

Dig For Meaning

Search your soul before plotting your story

A world-class book writing workshop and a day of creative penmanship with Author, Johanna Elomaa. Answer essential questions about yourself to write with heart, honesty, theme and substance.

Write with it all

Writing from deep inside, Johanna Elomaa is a respected journalist and 3 x published novelist. Examine if your story is really good enough for you, even before you consider your audience. Harness inner intelligence that will truly inspire your creative writing process and take the opportunity to learn, play, craft and be stirred in the magical surroundings of Ubud.

Why, Why, Why Am I Writing A Book?

The three most important questions you can ask yourself before you sit down and write: Why am I doing this? Is it good enough? What’s my message? Enter the fire to write with clarity and conviction.

Take Your Writing To Heart

Writing a novel can be light years away from the romantic image. Learn what it takes. Go deeper into the energy and human meaning of your subject. Rise to the surface later with emotive and heartfelt writing that’s crafted with real soul.

Mix It Up

Modern audiences expect more. End immediately, finish after that and pick up the pieces later. Play with eras and shuffle the chronology of your hero’s journey to add impact and intrigue to your finished story.

Develop your novel writing skills 

Understand your real motivations for writing a novel

Examine your story – is it good enough?

Get to the heart of your story’s message

How to plan your time and write a novel

Writing as a life choice

Kill your darlings

Experiment with eras and chronology

6 Days Brimming with Wordfood

Spanning 7 days, you’ll have the chance to hone your screenwriting craft, flourish your creative writing with poetry, sell that article and develop agency clients as a Copywriter. Check out our ticketing page to see how many ways you can become a better writer.

Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life as well

Stephen King


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